A portion of the end credits from an episode of Starsky and Hutch, accompanied by a network BBC One announcement.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: an usual announcement by the network BBC One announcer over the end credits of Starsky and Hutch:
“Here’s a message for shipping in the Dover Straits area:
“Will all vessels check their transmit keys, as a ship’s transmitter is on permanent send, blocking channel 16, the distress frequency.”
PICTURED: Starsky and Hutch end credits. COPYRIGHT: Spelling/Goldberg Productions/BBC.
PICTURED: Starsky and Hutch end credits. COPYRIGHT: Spelling/Goldberg Productions/BBC.
It seems exceptionally improbable that any shipping in the Dover Straits area would be watching Starsky and Hutch on BBC-1 television. How many ships would even have a TV onboard in 1984 as well as an antenna kept pointing towards the Dover transmitter? Listening to a BBC radio station (on LF or MF) would be much more probable, or just as likely a radio station transmitting in France.