ARCHIVE: Dave Baldwin
The BBC was slowly recognising the power of teletext and was becoming evermore keen to promote it. In-vision Ceefax pages were also popping up during daytime programme gaps, in spots previously occupied by the test card.
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[00:00:00] PROMOTION: slightly odd that this promotion starts off with the network BBC One ident – not sure how Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales pres departments would’ve felt about that. But it is likely that this trail was broadcast across all nations – unless you know different?
“Your television set is cleverer than you might think,” we’re told. With a teletext set, you can access the world of Ceefax. The trail details the type of information available on Ceefax:
- The news.
- The weather.
- Travel news.
- Pages to liven up your leisure hours.
- What’s on TV.
- Sport: with up-to-the-minute results and a look ahead to future events.
- And the food guide: lots of mouthwatering new recipes for you to try.
PICTURED: Ceefax promotion. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
PICTURED: Ceefax promotion. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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