ARCHIVE: Dave Baldwin
A fairly standard BBC Two start-up routine for the period.
Video content
[00:00:00] TEST CARD: the dying seconds of a trade test transmission.
We then have 30 seconds of black and silence before the appearance of the channel ident. This was standard practice coming out of a trade test transmission in those days.
[00:00:54] IDENT: the ident animated into view, accompanied by its usual fanfare soundtrack.
Note the small white vertical line that appears bottom left of screen a few seconds before the ident. This was actually generated by the ident kit and was used as a means of confirming that the ident source had been put to air.
The line disappears when the ident completes its animation. When the ident was first introduced in June 1979, this feature was not included – it’s believed to have been added at some point during 1980.
[00:01:06] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: announcer Andy Cartledge talks us through the programme line-up for the afternoon and early evening.
2.50pm Saturday Cinema 1: Where’s that Fire?
4pm Play Away.
4.25pm Saturday Cinema 2: Let George Do It.
5.45pm International Snooker. The Benson and Hedges Masters from Wembley.
[00:01:45] IDENT: link into the first film of the afternoon.
[00:01:53] IDENT: 20th Century Fox ident and fanfare at the start of the film (black and white).
PICTURED: BBC Two programme menu. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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