The 12.05am BBC Three junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the final portion of Thought for Tomorrow.
[00:00:39] GRAPHIC: the BBC Three breakdown graphic makes a brief appearance. Playout issues were apparent in the previous junction (link below) – and this graphic made a slightly longer appearance there.
Note the slight picture disturbance when this slide is put to air.
[00:00:41] IDENT: another minor picture glitch when this ident still is cut up.
The announcer then links us into the next programme, Liquid News. The announcement is almost certainly pre-recorded.
Again, a slight picture glitch when we cut to the programme.
[00:00:56] PROGRAMME: the opening portion of an edition of Liquid News, with Claudia Winkelman in the studio at BBC Television Centre and Colin Paterson on Los Angeles.
RELATED ARTICLE: you can view the junction that preceded this one here.
RELATED ARTCILE: you can view the junction that followed this one here.
PICTURED: Liquid News presented by Claudia Winkelman. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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