A short break before the Sign Zone on BBC One Scotland.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: the final seconds of a trail for Tir Is Teanga.
The programme airs on Thursday at 7pm on BBC Two Scotland.
[00:00:08] IDENT: one of the standard BBC One Scotland idents – Capoeira – is used for this link into Pages from Ceefax.
[00:00:21] TELETEXT IN-VISION: with twenty minutes to spare before the Sign Zone, BBC One Scotland shows a selection of pages from Ceefax.
The Ceefax generator seen here was based in London and was made available to BBC One Scotland over a spare circuit.
The music heard here was track one of the BBC Scotland disc Ceefax and Breakdown Music (Disc 5). The disc was compiled by former BBC Scotland announcer/director, Tony Currie.
[00:00:34] A Man on a Roof by Gerry Day (Europhon ELP 507).
Thanks to Tony Currie for the details about the Ceefax music and confirming the announcer's name.
PICTURED: Pages from Ceefax. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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