An afternoon Ulster TV junction.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: summer 1992 slide design for Who’s the Boss?
The programme is coming up after the commercial break.
[00:00:08] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Through the Keyhole.
The programme airs on Friday at 7pm on ITV.
This trail feels as though it was produced by the promo team at Yorkshire TV. ITV logo slightly stretched!
The commercial break followed this trail – but we’ve excluded it from our clip.
[00:00:38] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Brookside.
The programme airs on Channel 4 this week.
Trails for Channel 4 programmes were reasonably common on Ulster TV/UTV until c. 1996.
[00:00:51] IN-VISION CONTINUITY: announcer Tracey-Anne Griffiths (now McCoy) reminds us to tune in for Sons and Daughters tomorrow before linking into Who’s the Boss?
PICTURED: Ulster TV in-vision continuity: Tracey-Anne McCoy. COPYRIGHT: ITV plc.
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