Edited highlights of the BBC’s live coverage of Margaret Thatcher’s departure from 10 Downing Street and the start of John Major’s term as Prime Minister.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: a special live programme from BBC News, as Margaret Thatcher departs Downing Street as Prime Minister for the final time, and John Major becomes the UK’s new Prime Minister.
After a short introduction from David Dimbleby, we get a news update from Chris Lowe.
The news bulletin includes packages by: Lance Price; Laurie Margolis; Ben Brown.
We also have a regional news update – in this case, Spotlight News Update, from BBC One South West.
Bill Giles presents the national weather forecast.
The main programme includes contributions from: Vivian White (live at Downing Street); Jennie Bond (court correspondent, live at Buckingham Palace); Lord St John of Fawsley; David Cannadine; John Sergeant (chief political correspondent); Carole Walker (live in Huntingdon).
Margaret Thatcher’s speech outside 10 Downing Street is covered live.
We also hear from Gordon Brown MP (Labour, trade and industry).
There’s also a brief selection of clips of Margaret Thatcher.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: our second clip starts c. 10am, with a news update from Chris Lowe.
The news bulletin includes packages by: Laurie Margolis; Julian Rush; Bridget Kendall.
There’s a regional news update – Spotlight News Update, from BBC One South West.
Bill Giles presents the national weather forecast.
The main programme includes contributions from: Michael Dobbs (former adviser to Margaret Thatcher; writer of House of Cards); Vivian White (live at Downing Street); Jon Sopel (political correspondent).
We also hear from Geoffrey Howe MP.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: in our final highlights clip, we see Mike Donkin at College Green, interviewing two politicians: Ann Widdecombe MP and Emma Nicholson MP.
Includes a package by Bill Hamilton.
We hear from Frank Dobson MP (Labour, energy).
We see John Major arrive at 10 Downing Street, as Prime Minister. His speech at the front of 10 Downing Street is covered live.
After some final words from John Sergeant and Lord St John of Fawsley, David Dimbleby closes the programme.
We then have a further regional news update from Spotlight (BBC One South West).
PICTURED: BBC News Special with David Dimbleby. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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