Our clip includes the 11.25pm BBC One junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the final portion of the short programme, Save a Life Special, presented by Dr Alan Maryon Davis.
[00:00:40] GRAPHIC: a slide showing the Save a Life address for viewers in England.
[00:01:01] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: the non-seasonal, standard menu slide design for BBC One – listing out programmes for tomorrow evening and previewed by the announcer.
[00:01:51] IDENT: the standard BBC One globe is used to link into Yes 9012 Live.
[00:01:59] PROGRAMME: the opening and close of Yes 9012 Live.
Highlights of rock band Yes’s spectacular 1984 stage performance in Edmonton, Canada, combined with vintage film and extraordinary graphics and visual effects.
RELATED ARTICLE: you can view the junction that followed this one here.
PICTURED: BBC One programme menu graphic. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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