Our clip includes the 11.40pm BBC One junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the closing credits for the late film, Dirty Harry.
[00:00:29] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Miami Vice.
The programme airs tomorrow at 9.25pm on BBC One.
[00:01:01] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: standard BBC Two cross-channel promotion slide – for Téléjournal.
The day’s news as seen on French television. The programme is on BBC Two now.
[00:01:09] IDENT: the BBC One globe symbol is used to link into A Change in the Weather.
[00:01:16] PROGRAMME: weather presenter Bill Giles presents a short programme that takes a look at the changes introduced today to the presentation of weather forecasts on BBC TV.
Unfortunately, we only have the first four minutes or so of this twenty minute programme.
Our clip features images of TV weather presenters Tom Clifton, Bert Foord, Keith Best, Jack Scott, Jim Bacon, Barbara Edwards, Francis Wilson and Graham Parker.
There’s video footage of forecasts presented by Bert Foord and Michael Fish.
Our clip ends with footage of weather forecasts on foreign TV channels.
RELATED ARTICLE: you can view the junction that preceded this one here.
PICTURED: A Change in the Weather opening titles. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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