ARCHIVE: Dave Baldwin
The 8.10pm BBC One junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: for Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The final episode is on BBC Two tonight at 9pm.
As a spectacular finale to Disaster Area’s rock concert, the megabig superstar Hotblack Desiato crashes an unmanned spacecraft into the sun. When Arthur, Ford, Trillian and Zaphod realise that the black spacecraft they have stolen is heading towards the sun, they begin to have doubts.
[00:00:27] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: a preview of programmes for Tuesday evening on BBC One:
7.15pm Taxi.
7.40pm The Man from UNCLE.
8.30pm Seconds Out.
9pm Nine o’Clock News.
9.25pm Play for Today: Beloved Enemy.
10.35pm Omnibus. A film about the varied and colourful career of the designer James Gardner.
11.25pm Platform One.
[00:01:48] IDENT: a quick link into Panorama.
PICTURED: BBC One programme promotion. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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