The 7am Galaxy junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] TEST CARD: the bespoke Galaxy test card, accompanied by what is presumably some library music.
[00:00:34] IDENT: the announcer name checks himself and welcomes us to Galaxy, “the entertainment channel”.
[00:01:03] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for The Galaxy Club Show.
The show airs Saturday 9.30am – 12pm.
[00:01:46] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: a slide-based menu lists out the programmes coming up over the next 2 hours. The announcer walks us through the list.
[00:02:16] IDENT: the Galaxy Club ident is used to link into Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles.
PICTURED: Galaxy Club ident. COPYRIGHT: Sky plc.
PICTURED: Galaxy Club ident. COPYRIGHT: Sky plc.
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