Our clip includes a portion of the 9.10pm RTÉ One junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the closing seconds of the RTÉ Nine o’Clock News.
Presenter: Anne Doyle.
[00:00:09] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Michael Collins.
The film airs on Christmas Day at 9pm on RTÉ One.
[00:00:39] PROGRAMME: the weather outlook, from Joan Blackburn.
There’s an Eircom sponsorship sting at the start and end of the weather forecast. There’s also an RTÉ One Weather sting immediately after the first Eircom sting.
[00:03:22] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: RTÉ One Christmas design – for Winning Streak.
The programme follows the commercial break.
[00:03:29] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for The Premiership.
The programme airs on St Stephen’s Day at 10.30pm on RTÉ Network 2.
We’ve excluded the commercial break from our clip. The junction continues below.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Michael Collins.
The film airs on Christmas Day at 9pm on RTÉ One.
[00:00:31] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: RTÉ One Christmas design – for Mass.
The programme follows at 10pm.
[00:00:38] IDENT: the RTÉ One Christmas ident is used to link into Winning Streak.
[00:00:49] PROGRAMME: the opening titles for Winning Streak and the opening greeting from presenter John Creedon.
RELATED ARTICLE: you can view the junction that preceded this one here.
PICTURED: RTÉ Weather with Joan Blackburn. COPYRIGHT: RTÉ.
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