Our clip includes a Channel 4 junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Angel.
The film airs on Thursday at 9.30pm on Channel 4.
Our copy of this trail is incomplete.
[00:00:15] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: standard ITV slide design – for Thames News.
This trail for the 6pm edition of Thames News was inserted by Thames TV.
[00:00:20] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: standard Channel 4 slide design – for The Avengers.
This trail for The Avengers was inserted by Thames TV.
We’ve excluded the commercial break from our clip.
[00:00:28] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for The Tube.
The trail features presenters Jools Holland and Paula Yates.
The programme airs on Friday at 5.30pm on Channel 4.
[00:00:59] IDENT: one of the standard Channel 4 idents is used to link into The Avengers.
[00:01:13] PROGRAMME: the opening titles for The Avengers. We also see the in-programme stings that surround the commercial break.
With thanks to Mason Leka for identifying the announcer.
PICTURED: Channel 4 programme graphic. COPYRIGHT: Channel 4 Television Corporation.
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