With a late news summary and prayer, it’s time for RTÉ One to close for the night.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Time to Talk.
The programme airs on Tuesday at 9.30pm on RTÉ One.
A commercial break followed, which we’ve removed.
[00:00:30] PROGRAMME: the late news is presented by Una O’Hagan.
This bulletin is presented from a small studio in the Presentation department. The backdrop was added electronically using CSO (colour separation overlay).
The titles (which were played in from laserdisc) only had audio on one channel, oddly.
[00:02:32] PROGRAMME: pause for reflection with A Prayer at Bedtime.
[00:03:24] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: a preview of programmes coming up on Monday evening:
- Nationwide.
- Coronation Street.
- Up and Running.
- Ear to the Ground.
- E.R.
- Crimeline.
- Questions and Answers.
- Drew Carey,
[00:04:46] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: an animated graphic (the background was played off laserdisc).
The announcer talks us through some programmes planned for tomorrow morning and early afternoon on RTÉ One.
A piece of library music is playing in the background (if you can identify the track, please let us know).
[00:05:10] CLOCK: the standard RTÉ One clock leads us up to the National Anthem, at almost 20 minutes past midnight.
[00:05:51] PROGRAMME: the National Anthem.
The anthem is followed by just over 40 seconds of black and silence (the length varied from day-to-day).
If you listen very carefully (on headphones) you’ll actually hear the audio from RTÉ Radio 1 during the period of black.
[00:08:03] TEST CARD: the colour/black and white chroma bars was the test card of choice at closedown. Occasionally the Philips PM5544 would appear briefly initially.
The test card is accompanied by the live audio of RTÉ Radio 1.
Shortly after the test card appeared, the analogue transmitter network was shut down.
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