The 1am Now junction.
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[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the closing credits for Weather Permitting.
[00:00:30] IDENT: a slide version of the Sky Arts ident.
[00:00:47] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: the announcer walks us through the programme line-up from Sky Arts for Saturday afternoon and evening.
[00:01:26] IDENT: the final outing for the Now ident, as the channel hands over to Sky News.
Following the merger of British Satellite Broadcasting and Sky Television, Now was replaced by Sky News.
However, some of the arts programming from Now continued on the Macropolo satellite (owned by British Satellite Broadcasting prior to the merger). This was achieved by opting out of Marcopolo’s Sky News relay at weekends, to show the Sky Arts channel.
Sky News continued uninterrupted at weekends on the existing Astra satellite service.
[00:01:32] CLOCK: the Sky News clock ticks down to 1am.
[00:01:38] PROGRAMME: the Sky News top-of-the-hour headlines and opening titles.
Presenter Sean Brickell welcomes viewers on the Marcopolo satellite.
PICTURED: Sky Arts programme menu graphic. COPYRIGHT: Sky plc.
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