Our clip includes a late-night RTÉ One junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the final portion of the late RTÉ News, presented by Niall Carroll.
We also see the closing titles.
[00:00:25] PROGRAMME: the late RTÉ Weather, with Joan Blackburn.
There are Eircom sponsorship stings at the start and end of the forecast. An RTÉ One Weather sting follows the first sponsorship sting.
[00:02:42] PROGRAMME: a full edition of An Evening Prayer.
[00:03:43] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Bogart at 100.
A season of films starring Humphrey Bogart, kicks off with a documentary on 27th December on RTÉ One.
[00:04:43] IDENT: the RTÉ One Christmas ident is used to link into the late film.
[00:04:55] PROGRAMME: the opening seconds of the late film, Goodnight Mr Tom.
PICTURED: An Evening Prayer opening titles. COPYRIGHT: RTÉ.
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