Our clip includes the 9am BBC One Northern Ireland junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] PROGRAMME: the final five-and-a-half minutes of BBC Breakfast.
The presenters reference the Children in Need performances by the news and weather presenters. There’s a clip of the latter.
Helen Willetts presents the national weather outlook.
Sarah Travers presents a BBC Newsline bulletin.
[00:05:29] GRAPHIC: promoting You and Yours on BBC Radio 4.
The programme airs at 12pm.
[00:05:40] PROGRAMME MENU GRAPHIC: with special branding for BBC One daytime.
Programmes featured:
9pm Kilroy.
10pm Crimewatch Daily.
[00:06:04] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Perfect Partners.
The programme airs on weekdays at 12.30pm on BBC One.
[00:06:35] IDENT: one of the standard BBC One Northern Ireland idents is used to link into Kilroy.
[00:06:41] PROGRAMME: the first minutes of this morning’s edition of Kilroy, including the opening titles.
Presenter: Robert Kilroy-Silk.
PICTURED: Kilroy opening titles. COPYRIGHT: BBC.
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