The 11.55pm Channel 4 junction.
Video content
[00:00:00] STING: for Soap Weekend, featuring John Altman (Nick Cotton, EastEnders).
[00:00:06] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: a special Soap Weekend design. This example is for Prisoner: Cell Block H.
[00:00:13] GRAPHIC: a special Soap Weekend ‘Question/Answer’ graphic.
A question about Prisoner: Cell Block H: “What prison does ‘The Freak’ work in?”. We’ll get the answer after the break.
[00:00:23] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for Ruby.
The film airs on Thursday at 10pm on Channel 4.
[00:00:54] BREAK BUMPER: the standard Channel 4 break bumper.
We’ve excluded the commercial break and pick up the action in the clip below.
Video content
[00:00:00] GRAPHIC: a special Soap Weekend ‘Question/Answer’ graphic.
The answer to the Prisoner: Cell Block H question is “Wentworth”.
[00:00:09] PROGRAMME PROMOTION: for The Big Breakfast.
The programme airs Monday to Friday, 7am – 9am on Channel 4. This week’s show features boxer Frank Bruno.
Presenters Gaby Roslin and Mark Little.
[00:00:41] PROGRAMME GRAPHIC: standard Channel 4 slide design for Queen Live at Wembley.
This slide was put up because a trail for The Queen Phenomenon failed to play. The show airs on Monday at 10pm on Channel 4.
[00:00:59] IDENT: one of the special Soap Weekend idents.
[00:01:12] PROGRAMME: the opening and closing for a 1982 episode of Prisoner: Cell Block H.
Including at [00:04:41] PROGRAMME: an excerpt from the opening titles which was typically used to punctuate ad breaks (as it was on this occasion).
RELATED ARTICLE: you can view the junction that followed this one here.
PICTURED: Prisoner: Cell Block H opening titles. COPYRIGHT: Grundy Organisation Ltd.
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